Tuesday, August 10, 2010

It is true.

I, am in fact. the Little Wizard.


On a normal day, the world swirls around my brain and injects billions of parasites into my cerebral cortex, and I am filled with ideas to the point of complete EXPLOSION
Since, I am in fact a LITTLE wizard. this can be most dangerous, it is to the point that now, it is time to begin to let these things out of my TEENIE little brain and into the vast worlds of the internet.

as stated I plan on making movies, as I love them. this snazzy little corner of the internet will serve as a conduit to tuck away some of these ideas, it will serve as the most solid chronicle of what goes on up inside my aforementioned teenier then teenie brain.  
I'm as of now, an amateur artist, with a background in CG art.this little corner ( SNAZZY) of the internet will serve as a rough unorganized slippery filing of my many garbled thoughts.
Ive grown bored with typing, and hence, will now

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